Privacy Policy
ERA Portugal and ERA Offices store Clients' personal data in order to inform Clients on the latest opportunities to sell, buy or rent a property; to give administrative support to Clients in the process of buying, selling or renting a property; to inform the Client of the existence of promotions or marketing campaigns or to fulfill legal obligations.
Clients' personal data are collected from information received directly or indirectly from Clients and from the documents that Clients provide. This information is collected by the ERA Offices, representatives of the ERA Offices or by using the website Clients’ stored data and the respective ERA Office responsible for storing each Client's personal data, can be consulted, exported, updated or removed by the Client on
Client's data is used to generate automatic recommendations with customised property listings based on each Client profile, meeting confirmation, or other automatic messages.
Client's data will also be used for the purpose of granting deeds, promissory contracts for purchase and sale and registration of real estate, notaries, conservatorships and similar entities.
Client data is stored for a period of 2 years, starting from the last contact with Client, with exception in cases where there are specific legal obligations, which impose longer terms.
The Client's data is treated by the software and hardware company Marques e Associados contracted for this purpose.
Each Client may provide their consent for the treatment of their data at
- Oppose to data treatment;
- Impose limitations to data treatment;
- Remove the consent at any time, in which case the lawfulness of the previous treatment is not jeopardized;
- Request data rectification, updating or removal;
- Exercise the right to receive data concerning the Client and to transmit it to other data controllers.
Any adicional questions regarding users data should be sent by email to [email protected] or by registered mail to Av. Ilha da Madeira 35F 4ºB 1400-203 Lisboa.
Each Client has the right to be informed of the occurrence of any violation of his/her personal data and to submit a complaint about the treatment of his/her data to the supervisory authority (CNPD).
ERA Portugal and ERA Offices store candidate recruitment data for the purpose of informing each candidate from the latest ERA job opportunities. For the purposes of privacy policy and treatment of private data these candidates are equivalent to Clients.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
In accordance with article 18 of Law No. 144/2015, of September 8, , it is informed that, in the event of a dispute or dissatisfaction with the service or product provided, the consumer may resort to one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution entities listed at, where additional information on this matter can be obtained at
User Terms
The information on the website can be visualised, copied, printed and distributed exclusively for non-commercial purposes regarding all copies contain the legal copyright notice mentioned above. This information may also be used with the purpose of a purchase request. The content of this website may not be modified or reinterpreted so as to be protected by another copyright, patent, brand or intellectual property registry other than ERA.
The information available on the website may contain technical inaccuracies or typos. Thus, ERA does not assume any responsibility, in any way, over any direct, indirect, incidental or collateral damage inherent to visits to its pages, namely loss of data, loss of profit and other benefits and business interruption derived from the use or impossibility of use of information on this website. ERA declines, furthermore, any responsibility over the contents of the websites of the various agencies which are part of the ERA Portugal Group and, subsequently, over the websites of third parties which maintain a connection with and/or from
All contents in this electronic edition of ERA Portugal, namely texts, photos, illustrations and other are protected by law, in agreement with the Code of Author’s Rights and Related Rights.
The copy, reproduction and diffusion of texts, photos, illustrations and other elements in this electronic edition without the express authorisation of ERA Portugal is strictly forbidden, regardless the used means, with the exception of the quotation right under the terms of the law.
The commercial use of elements contained in the electronic edition of ERA Portugal, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others are strictly forbidden.
ERA Portugal holds the right to act judicially against authors of any unauthorised copy, reproduction, diffusion or commercial exploration of the elements in this electronic edition, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others.